Presentation to the Temple

(This is a popular Mexican tradition related to the Presentation of Jesus to the Temple.  It is traditionally celebrated within the forty days after the birth of the child, or more often, as a blessing on their third birthday.  In any case it can be a teachable moment for the family, and an opportunity to evangelize.   You may celebrate this ritual during the mass, after the homily, after communion, or outside the mass following this simple ritual)

PRESIDER: Life is God’s greatest gift to us.  Grateful for the life of their child, the parents and godparents, (Names)_____________, would like to present their child: (Name)____________ to the Lord and to this community.  We welcome them here to the front.

PRESIDER:  to the parents and godparents:  By presenting this child to the Lord and to this community today, you commit yourself (or renew your commitment,) (if the child is already baptized) to raise him/her in the ways of the faith.  Do you understand and accept this responsibility?

PARENTS:  Yes, we do!

PRESIDER:  (To the child):  (As in the day of your baptism), I sign you with the sign of the cross, and I ask your parents, and godparents to do the same.

PESIDER: (As he asks parents or godparents to lift up the child, and the assembly to extend their right hand, or both, to bless this child, as he prays).

Heavenly Father, you are the giver of all life.  You gave us this child, and we present him/her to you, as Mary presented Jesus to you in the temple.  We pray to you for these parents and godparents.  Bless them in their efforts to raise this child as a good Christian, and as a good Catholic.  Bless this child.  Give him/her good health, protected him/her from any danger of body and spirit, and help him/her to grow in age and in wisdom, always in your presence.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother, we ask for your protection upon this family and upon this child.  It is at your example that this family brings this child to be presented to God, our creator, and to this community today.  Help these parents to raise this child by word and by example.  This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ who is our Lord forever and ever.


(Often the family may also request a blessing upon several religious articles.  The presider may bless these articles in a simple way with his own words):

PRESIDER:  We now send them back to their places, as we show our support to them with an applause.