Given that we are to follow the example of Jesus to welcome all people including the marginalized and the alienated (Go and Make Disciples – USCCB, p 4)
Given that we are called to serve the poor and vulnerable… (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 2447 – 2448).
The Office of Hispanic Ministry collaborates with several other community organizations in the education and formation of the Spanish speaking through programs such as, ESL, GED, and Citizenship Classes, information on Immigration Laws, housing, employment, health care and education; and is involved in issues that directly or indirectly affect the lives of Spanish Speaking immigrants in this country.
The Office of Hispanic Ministry collaborates with the following organizations:
1- United States Catholic Bishops… The Office of Hispanic Ministry collaborates with the United States Catholic Bishops’ Campaign “Justice for Immigrants Campaign,” launched in May 2005 to urge the US Congress to pass an Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
2- Catholic Charities… The Office of Hispanic ministry collaborates with Catholic Charities USA, especially in programs directly related to ministry to immigrants and to immigration issues.
3- Mexican Consulate… The Office of Hispanic ministry collaborates on the regular basis with the Mexican Consulate on many issues related to the Mexican community, such as education, health care, immigration issues, and assistance to families in need.
4- University of New Mexico… The Office of Hispanic Ministry collaborates on the regular basis with the University of New Mexico particularly in the GED Programs.
5- New Mexico Faith Coalition for Immigrant Justice…The Office of Hispanic Ministry is a member of this coalition of faith leaders who meet on the regular basis to share concerns, to plan and implement activities in the defense of immigrants with public officials, with political candidates, with the Media, and the education of the community.
6- Somos Un Pueblo, Enlace, Centro de Igualdad y Derechos, Southwest Organizing Project… the Office of Hispanic Ministry has a long history of collaboration with all these and several other community organizations that defend the dignity and the human rights of immigrants, that promote their education, and that urge public officials to pass legislations which empower them to make a better living in this country, such as the Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented, Higher Education for the Undocumented and their access to scholarships, the Dream Act, and an comprehensive immigration reform.